Wait, what? ctrl + djust press ctrl + d 🙂Objavil/a Good Freddy dne Nedelja, 05. april 2020 ctrl + D you can duplicate anything:) Pravljica za lahko noč 🙂 Stare grške bajke, Vesoljni potop, Eduard Petiška.Objavil/a Mojca Ferle dne Sobota, 21. marec 2020 Mojca reads…. 100% real footage (LEAKED) Behind the scenes. Good Freddy – NekoLeaked footage from Good Freddy – Neko video clip. Mojca apparently is not human as we think.LInk to the video clip:https://youtu.be/bXkefpNG9CkObjavil/a Good Freddy dne Ponedeljek, 10. februar 2020 no comment