Prvi Žežijev memorial in njegove pesmi, odpete in odigrane, na Largo pr’ Špini v Izoli ❤️ Bilo je zelo čustveno ❣️

Art punk band from Izola Slovenia. We are just what you see.
🇸🇮Good Freddy se razvija. Nekaj novega je na obzorju. Vstopite in raziščite preteklost, medtem ko se pripravljamo na prihodnost.
🇬🇧Good Freddy is evolving. Something new is on the horizon. Enter to explore the past while we prepare for the future.
Prvi Žežijev memorial in njegove pesmi, odpete in odigrane, na Largo pr’ Špini v Izoli ❤️ Bilo je zelo čustveno ❣️
In today’s issue of the Izola weekly Mandrač, Aljoša Mislej gave us meaning with an interview. And you won’t believe it, but we are on the back of the calendar. If you’re going to stick it on the fridge, make sure to turn it upside down, don’t look at the dates, look at the two of us. 😜