Good Freddy je zasedba, ki s svojo glasbo nedvomno živi svoj čas tako v smislu žanra, kot v smislu sporočilnosti svoje glasbe. Morda lahko zvoku pripišem odmev zgodnjih osemdesetih, tedanje nove romantike, ki me s hipnotičnimi loopi ponese (najbolj izrazit 4 taktni loop v komadu SAVE US) v značilno privzdignjeno vzdušje. Ko vse skupaj le še potrdijo prezentna tolkala, sploh pa njihova himnična, na trenutke malce teatralična postavitev, glasba kar dobro sede. Tudi kitare, njih značilni zvok, in synthi zvenijo prepričljivo. Vokal je interpretativno malce odmaknjen, ni patetičen in na trenutke – to je moje skromno mnenje – malce preveč »v ozadju«.
Album je glasbeno in v besedilih zelo temačen, a v mojem dojemanju nikakor ne turoben. Temne strani so del naših življenj, a navkljub vsemu, (»Bravo Mojca!« op. av.) zaslišimo skladbo HIMNA, ki je tako nepretenciozno svetla, čeprav zapeta mirno in resignirano.
Besedila so prodorna in dobro zlita z glasbo, to daje albumu uravnoteženost. Besedila Mojce Ferle so angažirana, dobro napisana in iskrena. Piše v slovenščini in angleščini. Iskrenost v vseh segmentih ustvarjanja generira kvaliteto, seveda je za končni izdelek potreben tudi talent…. Imaš to, GOOD FREDDY.
Album je izvirno likovno opremila / interpretirala Philos Sophia Ferle Knežević
GOOD FREDDY so: Mojca Ferle – vokal, kitara / Marin Knežević – back vokal, kitara, bobni, PC / miks, snemanje, produkcija – Gaber Radojevič – Parametrik studio & Good Freddy
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EN version:
Good Freddy is a band that undoubtedly lives its time through its music, both in terms of genre and in terms of the messages their music conveys. Perhaps I can attribute the sound to echoes of the early eighties, the then-new romanticism, which takes me away with its hypnotic loops (most notably the 4-beat loop in the song SAVE US) into a characteristically uplifted mood. This feeling is only reinforced by the current percussion, especially their anthemic, at times slightly theatrical arrangement, which sits really well. Even the guitars, their distinctive sound, and the synths are quite convincing. The vocals seem a bit distant in interpretation, are not overly emotional, and at times – in my humble opinion – are a bit too much “in the background.”
The album, both musically and in its lyrics, is very dark, but in my perception, it’s not melancholy. Dark sides are part of our lives, but despite everything (a shoutout “Bravo Mojca!” by the author), we hear the song HIMNA, which is so unpretentiously bright, even though it’s sung calmly and resignedly.
The lyrics are piercing and blend well with the music, giving the album balance. Mojca Ferle’s lyrics are engaged, well-written, and sincere. She writes in Slovenian and English. Sincerity in all aspects of creation generates quality, but of course, talent is also required for the final product… You have that, GOOD FREDDY.
The album’s original visual design/interpretation was done by Philos Sophia Ferle Knežević.
GOOD FREDDY members are: Mojca Ferle – vocals, guitar / Marin Knežević – backing vocals, guitar, drums, PC / mix, recording, production – Gaber Radojevič – Parametrik studio & Good Freddy.